But Victoria Beckham's latest Pixie-style look, is her most dramatic yet.
Stylist-to-the-stars Nicky Clarke said: "It's brave, but it suits her petite features and looks really good.
"Don't go for it if you have a larger face or if your features aren't fine as it won't look good.
"But Victoria loves to change her look and this is another brilliant one. She really pulls it off."
Other iconic figures who have sported similar cuts include Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Mia Farrow and, in the 90s, Madonna, and more recently Katie Holmes.
Her previous styles have ranged from long teenage locks in the early 90s to her bob, dubbed the Pob, weeks ago.

2003 Long Curly Style
Technorati Tags: Prom Hairstyles, Bob Haircut, Pixie Haircut, Long Bob, Victoria Beckham